FESCO Adecco快讯Adecco集团CMCO Stephan Howeg、人力窝CEO马西亚对话媒体:谈如何携手西安政府打造人才高地

Adecco集团CMCO Stephan Howeg、人力窝CEO马西亚对话媒体:谈如何携手西安政府打造人才高地


近日,Adecco集团董事会主席Rolf Dörig, FESCO集团党委书记、董事长王一谔, Adecco集团首席营销与传播官Stephan Howeg,FESCO Adecco CEO倪瀛、董事Cynthia Chew、董事Margaret Jack,人力窝CEO马西亚一行受邀在西安市政府与陕西省委常委、西安市委书记王永康会晤。
此次会晤期间,腾讯财经、今日头条、凤凰财经等媒体在西安采访了Adecco集团首席营销与传播官Stephan Howeg以及人力窝CEO马西亚。
访问期间,Stephan Howeg谈到了与西安市政府在人力资源领域未来的合作规划,以及对人力资源行业的全球化趋势、如何保持人才竞争力等问题进行了探讨。

■ 以下是本次采访全文
Question: We understand you are here to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Xi’an government regarding future human resource strategies. Could you please expand on that, in so far as confidentiality or business interests permit?
Mr. Stephan Howeg: First of all, I would like to say that we met Party Secretary Wang in Bern courtesy of an invitation from Ambassador Geng, and so we were very happy to be invited here to Xi’an. We have been listening to and discussing Party Secretary Wang’s plans for Xi’an to expand and become the talent hub for the north and northeast region of China. For a record, I can say we have discussed how to cooperate in terms of talent development, talent recruiting and sourcing nationally and internationally. And we believe that we can add our expertise as a Fortune 500 company to local enterprises, while at the same time learning from the innovation we saw yesterday within the increasing pool of talent that is planning to make Xi’an a talent hub. There is a great mutually beneficial exchange with our colleagues from FESCO Adecco which has been enjoying a successful joint venture here in China for the last seven years.
Question: Does this trip relate to or suggest further strategies that FESCO Adecco has for business in China?
Mr. Stephan Howeg: What we have seen in the last seven years is that China is very much growing, just as our joint venture FESCO Adecco has grown. We are very optimistic about China, and as we believe that the visionary strategy of One Belt, One Road is an initiative which benefit not only China, but also many countries alongside the Silk Road.
Question: Globalization is now a critical trend that influences a country’s development in many ways, and Human Resources is part of this trend for sure. As a key leader in the HR industry, would you share with us from your perspective what you believe are the key competencies or skillsets needed to create highly qualified global talent?
Mr. Stephan Howeg: I think if we look at globalization, we see that one of the keys to staying competitive is going to be talent. In order to stay competitive with talent, we believe that companies and also countries need to be able to attract and develop future talent. If we look at shifts in growth, we can see this particularly comes from digitalization, artificial intelligence, big data, etc, and we believe that’s where the focus should be in terms of the talent pool of the future and where the upskilling and reskilling of talents will be absolutely key - not only in China but in the rest of the world. Every year, we have a Global Talent Competitiveness Index which we release at the eve of the World Economic Forum, in which we measure not only the competitiveness of countries, but increasingly of cities. This year we’ll assess more than 90 major cities in terms of how well they attract, develop and retain talent with the skills needed for the future.
Question: How can a government reform its own policy so as to handle the structure and help the HR service sector to maintain its competitiveness?
Mr. Stephan Howeg: If you look at Europe, France for example, you see that France has traditionally had very complex labour regulations. Now under the leadership of President Emmanuel Macron, there have been three main initiatives to make the labour market and the HR industry less rigid. First, there is a balance between HR and labour market regulation that provides more flexibility for companies in terms of wider talent alignment, while at the same time providing security for workers so that you have social benefits and social security. The second relates to upskilling and reskilling, which, as I said before, is crucial in our fast-changing environment. We really need to see how we can upskill the workforce, equipping them with the soft skill required for successful business operation and be in line with local regulation. And the last part is what we call mobility, which means that talent needs be able to move between countries in order to follow their passion and join projects that entice them to stay, while enhancing their employment prospects going forward.
Question: There are many Chinese companies entering the global market and becoming more and more powerful. Have some of these companies or brands caught your attention? Also, is there any advice or best practice that you could share regarding multi-national management, cross-culture communication, etc.?
Mr. Stephan Howeg: I think that in an increasingly globalized world, we see that the number one obstacle to foreign companies entering markets is language and cultural barriers. This is not unique to Chinese as a language. We see it, for example, when we offer workers from Spain the chance to come to Germany, and the biggest obstacle is the language. What we do to attract talent from foreign markets, for example, is that when we recruit from eastern Europe, say doctors or nurses from Poland to go to Norway or Sweden, we provide cultural and language training in Poland when we recruit, and then make continue with this training when the staff are in Norway or Sweden.
Question: Is this your first visit to Xi’an? What has impressed you the most?
Mr. Stephan Howeg: It is my first visit to Xi’an but my third time to China this year. I have been to Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing, as well as attended the regional World Economic Forum in Dalian, and now I am privileged to come to Xi’an. My first impression is what I saw yesterday during all the meetings we had, where I experienced great warmth and a lot of great talents, as well as a sense of tradition which goes back to even before modern Europe. And what impressed me the most so far is the combination of the tradition of knowing where you come from and innovation which takes you where you need to go. That’s what impressed me the most. And I am very much looking forward to today and tomorrow, when we get to see some more of your heritage and history the tradition, like the Ancient City Wall and Terracotta Army. I’m really, really excited about seeing that. When I read a bit about that Xi’an, I learned that you have some 150 million visitors a year coming to Xi’an, which is an enormous number and almost 20 times the whole population of Switzerland where I come from. That is very impressive.
■ 以下是本次采访全文
马西亚:人力窝主要是由三个股东组成,最大的股东是蚂蚁金服集团,也就是我们都知道的支付宝; 另外一个是FESCO 集团,它是中国最大的人力资源服务企业之一;还有一个就是Adecco集团,是世界500强中人力资源行业排名第一的企业。所以说人力窝的组成实际上是一个豪华的资源整合。
我发现在中国有超过4,300万的中小微企业, 而他们基本上是没有机会被人力资源企业服务的,平均的寿命目前只有2.5年,能存活超过5年的不超过7%。大企业有着许多机会去选择众多的人力资源服务或是买一些人力资源软件,而对中小企业在人力资源服务上是一个真空的状态, 人力窝正是因此而生。人力窝希望能够为广大中小微企业做些事,达成“普惠人力”的愿景。
媒体:如您所言,人力窝服务于中小企业,它的定位是有别于 FESCO Adecco 的,是否可以将它看成是 FESCO Adecco 战略布局的一个延伸呢?
马西亚:我认为可以这么讲,其实我在 FESCO Adecco 工作了许多年,从以前的服务特点来说,主要服务的都是中大型企业,服务方式主要是以高质量的线下服务为主。而人力窝的服务选择了互联网方式,我们利用技术手法去降低成本,我们的服务更偏重在线上,服务对象更关注中小微企业。在服务的领域上和 FESCO Adecco 有一定的差别,算是它服务的延伸。
我们公司还有一个最大的理念是:希望做一些颠覆商业逻辑的事。现在一般的服务都是高质量伴随高成本或者一般质量伴随低成本, 我们希望人力窝的服务是高质量伴随着相对较低的成本,与此同时我们的关注点也更着眼于中小微企业这样的弱势群体。
媒体:现在市面上也有一些其他的同类的HR SaaS产品和品牌,和他们比人力窝有哪些区别和优势?
马西亚:其实这些友商同行都非常不容易,我们都在一起为人力资源行业创新做努力。对于人力窝来讲区别和优势都是不言而喻的:第一,我们有着全国最大的互联网平台资源,就是支付宝及阿里的其他平台;第二我们有着非常丰富庞大的线下服务资源,因为HR行业不是一个纯在线上就能解决的事情,FESCO Adecco 在中国就是非常专业的线下人力资源企业,所以人力窝在出生的那一天,就有着强大的线下资源。正如人力窝在刚刚成立的第一个月,就签下了150个城市的线下服务,而且都是低成本高质量的服务类型,这就是我们最明显的资源优势。
另外,我们人力窝的管理团队构成合理,主要人员就是 FESCO Adecco 的创业团队。他们非常了解客户也和成千上万的HR建立过良好的沟通。我认为我们是最了解客户需求,并且在HR方面也是最专业的团队。
马西亚:我们都知道,西安是一个包含着几千年中国历史文明的古城。昨天我们和永康书记见面的时候看到的西安宣传片让我印象深刻,其中提到了三个词:秦风、汉韵、唐魂,就这三个词语直接表达了作为千年古都的西安是多么有历史底蕴。同时西安也是一带一路的起点城市,它已经不仅仅代表着整个中国西北的人才高地, 而应该是一带一路的人才高地。
整个会谈中,政府的每一个部门都在非常努力地帮助我们去了解西安,去了解西安的政策和商业环境。我们非常珍视这一次的合作机会,我们认为在未来的西安将有两个动作:一个是强化“互联网+”这个概念;第二个是我听永康书记讲,西安是中国教育第三大城市,并且西安市特别鼓励和支持毕业生创业, 所以在近年来西安出现了大量的创业企业。人力窝这次来到西安是为创业企业、中小微企业带来福祉,因为人力窝的本质实际上是帮助企业提高人力管理效率,希望可以为中小微企业护航,让他们活得更长更好更强壮。
昨天永康书记给我提了几个要求 : 首先西安应该成为人才强市的典范,应该通过引进异地、异国人才帮助西安变得更强大; 其次就是关于提高人力资源管理水平三个关键词:内培、外引、远输,核心逻辑是我们不仅要培养自己的企业家,我们还要凝聚各地、各国的人才或企业家来到西安,增加人才的交流和流通。所以我认为这次的协议签署在意义层面上是非常重要的。
媒体:您在 FESCO Adecco 管理一家年营收数百亿的人力资源巨头,从个人收益到地位名声都已经是80后的人生赢家,但却又一次离开原有路径,跳出舒适区,突破自我边界,开始了前途未卜的互联网创业。一直以来驱动您不断改变、创新、突破,挑战自我的是什么?
马西亚:人生赢家谈不上,我的性格还是不甘于安逸,反而是更喜欢折腾、喜欢面对挑战。我认为难走的路更让人成长。当我发现一件事情开始进入安逸状态的时候,我就必须改变。作为一个北京人,十几年前就去到上海做 FESCO Adecco 的时候,当时还是FESCO上海,本质上就想寻求一种不安逸的生活,这次又选择了新的方式重新开始。另外,对我来讲是种情怀,当我想到要踏出去的时候就会很兴奋。以前我们说到企业的时候会看产品好不好、收益怎么样,而现在我们在做互联网的时候,看到的都是长期而非短期收益。我们希望在眼前能够更多地去解决社会问题及痛点,我们希望去帮助更多的群体,尤其是中小微企业。而这些就是“普惠人力”,就是我一直想做的事。

上一篇:“Winning Together” Adecco全球领导人大会在维也纳隆重举行

